Import / Export Consultants & Licence Negotiators
2. Advance duty free authorization for all items
3. Annual advance authorization
4. Appeal matters - under foreign trade (development and regulation) act, 1992 and customs act ,1962
5. Application's for focus product scheme
6. Authorization under export promotion capital goods (EPCG) scheme
7. Buy / sell - duty credit scrips like FPS, FMS, VKGUY
8. Buy / sell - duty credit scrips like MEIS, SEIS
9. Buy / sell - duty credit scrips like SHIS, IEIS
10. Closure of licence
11. Concessional imports under various notifications like power projects, water supply projects etc.
12. Dealing with special valuation branch (SVB), SIIB etc.
13. Deemed exports and incentives.
14. Digital signature - class ii & iii , DGFT & signing encryption
15. Drawback and terminal excise duty refund
16. Duty drawback – fixation of DBK rates
17. Duty free import authorization
18. Epcg licencing and monitoring of export obligation
19. Export incentive advisory
20. Export licence
21. Extension & enhancement of import license
22. Fixation/modification of norms for advance license
23. Focus market scheme
24. Hi-tech product export promotion scheme
25. IEC application
26. Issue/renewal of status holder certificate star trading/super star trading house
27. Liaisoning with various authorities like customs, DGFT, RBI.
28. Licence negotiators
29. Project imports guidance
30. Refund claims of service tax, sad, edd, terminal excise duty refunds.
31. Registration with export promotion council
32. Revalidation of import licence
33. Served from india schemes
34. Setting up 100% export oriented unit/stpi units.
35. Specific license for restricted items
36. Status certificates
37. Status holder incentive scrip
38. Vishesh krishi & gram udyog yojana scheme |